

Night Voting

Let’s celebrate our teamates and each other!  Please only vote once per play per category.  Voting ends March 1st.

Biggest Personality

Type the name of the player who you think has the biggest personality, brings the most energy, enthusiasm, and positivity to the pickleball court.

Best Smash

Type the name of the player who delivers the most powerful, impressive, and game-changing smashes on the court.

Best Backhand

Type the name of the player with the most consistent, accurate, and powerful backhand shots on the court.


Type the name of the player who remains calm and composed, letting their actions on the court do the talking. They play with quiet strength and confidence, always focused and ready.

Most Helpful on the Court

Type the name of the player who is always there to lend a hand, offer support, or share advice. Whether it’s cheering others on or helping with strategy, they make the team stronger with their kindness and encouragement.

Most Improved Player

Type the name of the player who has shown the most growth and progress throughout the season. Whether it’s a leap in skill, confidence, or consistency, they’ve worked hard and it’s paying off!

Most Athletic

Type the name of the player who has demonstrated the most outstanding athleticism, skill, and performance throughout the competition.

Best Attitude on the Court

Type the name of the player who always stays positive, encourages others, and shows great sportsmanship, no matter what happens during the match.

Court Clown

Type the name of the player who always has the funniest moments on the court, keeping everyone laughing with their jokes, antics, and sense of humor.

Hardest Hitter

Type the name of the player whose shots pack the most punch. When they strike the ball, it’s a force to be reckoned with.

Most Valuable Player

Type the name of the player who consistently brings their best to every match. Their skills, reliability, and overall contribution make a big impact, helping the team succeed.

Most Dramatic

Type the name of the player who knows how to turn every point into a show! Whether it’s a dramatic dive, an over-the-top reaction, or a flair for the dramatic, they always know how to keep things exciting on the court.

People playing pickleball or pickleball related image